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John Skilton
in Suppliers

I carry out chemical and microbiological analyses to determine causes of off tastes in water, juices, soft drinks and beer due to packaging, processes, raw materials, transport and storage.
Gerhard Mulleder
in Suppliers

1. Kearns International Consulting (Thailand) Co. Ltd.
in Suppliers by Tom Kearns

222/63-64, Moo 7, Pornprapanimith Rd, Soi 17T
Nongprue A, Banglamung, Chonburi
Thailand, 20150
phone: view phone+66 091-025-9052
website: http://www.kearnsinternati...
e-mail: send an e-mail
Padmanabhan Vijayaraghavan
in Suppliers

2. Shanghai Kearns International Consulting, Co. Ltd.
in Suppliers by Tom Kearns

Minsheng Rd. #1518, Bldg. B, Room 601B
Pudong New District, Shanghai
China, 200135
phone: view phone+86 021-616-30150
website: http://www.kearnsinternati...
e-mail: send an e-mail