Overview is the home of the INOX family of can closing machines, a range of all stainless steel semi-automatic and fully automatic linear can sealers manufactured by Eurocan Sales & Service Ltd in the United Kingdom.
Contact Information
Pound Lane Newbrook Business Park, Steyning, West Sussex, United Kingdom BN44 3JDphone: view phone+44 (0)1903 810110
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INOX 10 series semi-automatic manually or pneumatically actuated motor driven can seaming machines for low speed production or laboratory applications.
Automatic upgrade potential for pneumatically actuated models when integrated with a Linear Seamer.
The 10 series seamers are the ideal solution to the low volume canner. Capable of speeds up to 10 cans per minute (operator dependant), the 10 series offers a reliable and consistent double seam.
The INOX linear seamer series are the first can closing machine in the world to be designed with a straight line can transfer system, the modular linear seamer can be supplied with one to six seaming stations for production speeds of up to 100 cpm.